Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Teaching eSafety to KS2

This week we taught KS2 all about personal profiles, everybody was a pleasure to teach. All the children understood well about the limited information you can put on a personal profile. Some children needed some help and guidance to fully understand the objective of lesson. Even one of the support staff said they were going to change one of their personal profiles!

We used the template given as a resource for the activity, as an extension task we used A3 paper to make a mindmap of the good and bad things to put on a profile. We  also did a quiz at the end of the lesson to make sure they had fully understood the lesson. Some of the other eCadets decided to ask their classes to make their own personal profiles using Pic Collage on the iPads.

 Lots of pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 understood what an avatar is. Most of the Year 4 helped the year 3 if they got confused. We think that the children really listened to us teaching the lesson, we plan on doing a bubble time next week so that children can come and see us if they have any problems. 

By Phoebe and Carla 

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