Today Miss Williams’ lovely friend Emma came and spoke to us about her upcoming trip to Uganda. Emma is a loyal volunteer in the charity, ‘Isaacs House’ as well as being a solicitor in Liverpool. She kindly helped us to make bunting that should help brighten up an orphanage in Uganda, which herself and the team are going to be decorating. On the bunting we drew things that are personal to us and represent where we are from. Hopefully the children should know about what we do in Wales. A few of us also made video clips saying things about us, such as our age, what we like to do and where we come from.
We had a cake sale to raise money for the charity and with help from our friends (Nell and Grace) we photocopied pages from a book that contained lots of activities that the children in Uganda might like to do with Emma. We quite liked the idea of bird feeders. We are looking forward for her return so we can find out more about life in Uganda.
This is the iMovie we created for Emma to take with her....
This is the iMovie we created for Emma to take with her....
Cornist Park from Cornist Park on Vimeo.
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